Cute Background

Spelling & Sight Words

Spelling Activities We Do At School:

We make words with
1.  magnetic letters
2.  scrabble tiles
3.  play-doh
4.  wiki-sticks
5.  pipe cleaners
6.  abc stamp markers
We also 
1.  play roll and spell
2.  rainbow write the words 
3.  write the consonants in blue and the vowels in red
4.  work on   If you are a member of our class, you should have a login and password. 

At Home, Your child can:
1.  write in sand, salt,  sugar, or flour (best with a bold background beneath)
2.  write in shaving cream, pudding, or finger paint
3.  form letters with string or yarn
4.  use alphabet pasta or cereal
5.  use letters cut from newspapers or magazines (ransom note style)
6.  use alphabet cookie cutters in play-doh
7.  trace the letters on a parents back for them to “read”
8.  draw the letters of words in the air with a flashlight in a dark room

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